Monday 12 January 2015

Audience theories appropriate to our Thriller (Mass vs Niche & Uses and Grarifications)

Our thriller will appeal to a much more niche audience as opposed to a mass audience. This is because our particular genre is something that appeals to only a specific audience who are interested in the themes brought forward. For example corrupt governments and conspiracies. This makes the Mass vs. Niche audience theory applicable to our thriller..
Our thriller also relates to Blulmer and Katz's 'Uses and Gratifications' theory. This is because the audience can use our opening in several different ways. for example, our audience may use our thriller for diversion and may want to escape from their everyday lives and look into the potential future mentioned in the thriller.
This will allow us to plan to use open and modern locations that still look as though the thriller is set in the present to give the audience the impression that the near future is not too different from today. This makes it easier for the audience to escape into the world that we have created.

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