Friday 7 November 2014

Barthes' Narrative Codes

Barthes' Narrative code refers to different aspects of narrative which are vital to telling the story in a piece of media. The different codes in this theory are:

Action code:
This is where the audience will recognise an action code in a media text as it is used to indicate the next logical step. For example in my preliminary task we used the opening of a door to indicate a confrontation or conversation becoming imminent between two characters. Particular for my narrative a very tense and awkward conversation.
The Mystery or Enigma Code:
This code is used to explain the narrative by controlling what and how much information is given to the audience. The audience's attention is grabbed by setting up a problem that needs resolving during the course of the narrative. In my task the identity of the drug dealer remains a mystery until the end where he takes his hood down and deals.
The Semic Code:
This code is about symbolism and the hidden meanings in the piece. For example a knife could symbolise violence. My piece included the use of an old tattered bag which symbolised holding something of importance.
The Cultural Code:
This code refers to the class and social status of the characters and will make sense to an audience of a similar or identical social class. For example we used a hoodie and tattered bag for the dealer to show him as being middle or lower class as it is a general stereotype.
Code of Opposition:
This refers to binary opposites throughout the narrative. For example black vs. white, Male vs. female etc. I did not use this in my preliminary task and it is something I will consider in the future.

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